Style Advice - Wearing the Right Colours

When you know what colours look best on you, you're confidence is given a boost because you know you look your best. Everyone has unique skin tone and eye colour and that means some colours are going to look great and some not so good. You need to know what works in harmony with your eyes, hair and skin tones. Knowing and wearing the correct colours makes you look younger and healthier. To know what colours work best for you, you could go to a colour analysist. This is where you meet up with a colour consultant and the session lasts for a couple of hours. The consultant will give you samples of the colours that best suit you and your skin tones. At the end of the session you should know what colours are right for you.
If you can not afford to go to a colour consultant there are a few simple rules you can follow to get the best out of your colours in your wardrobe.
Stand in front of a mirror with plenty of natural light.
Get all your coloured garments such as blouses, tops and dresses out of the wardrobe and put them near you.
Wear a plain white t-shirt so that any colours you put against your face won't clash.
Take each garment, hold it against yourself and see what the colour does for you. Ask yourself if it makes you look tired, or does it stand out more than you. Or does it have the opposite effect of really showing of your eyes and lifting your complexion and giving you a radiant glow.
You can do this with all the different colours in your wardrobe and at the end you should have an idea of what works best for you.

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