Advice From a Prom Goddess - Prom Dresses for Pink Fans

If you're a fan, you may want to emulate her style at prom.
This singer was born in Bucks County, PA. Prom dresses worn in this area will definitely be influenced by her signature look. Girls who live here and are fans of her songs can get the look in a variety of ways.
Punk Rock Princess
To embody the punk rock princess theme, you'll need to combine different elements. Your appearance will be a fusion of good girl versus bad girl. You'll be both feminine and tomboyish at the same time.
The first element is punk rock. This part is edgy and grungy and it could mean anything from a short hem to the kind of fabric. The most important thing to do is push the boundaries of what is traditionally worn in this venue.
An uber-short mini is totally punk. Go against the grain and break rules by wearing something risque. Also allowed is purposely shredded or torn material. A great idea is to buy something on sale and punk it up with a pair of scissors.
The second element is the princess part. There should be some girlishness infused and usually means wearing something that is soft looking. When browsing prom dresses in Bucks County, PA, pick ones with ribbons and flowers.
Make sure you maintain the right balance between the two elements. For an example, search DG Style #1044. This is a deadly black strapless minidress with ribbons and a fluffy, girly hem, but the underlay is shredded and hangs in pieces like black vines.
Cirque du Soleil
This musician is famous for toying with "cirque du soleil" inspired designs. Anything that is multi-colored or bold and flashy will cover this category. Imagine what a beautiful acrobat might wear to a formal occasion and flesh out that image.
Tony Bowls catalog #19C49 is a good example. The mint green and eggplant chiffon stripes of fabric remind me of a big top pavilion. Also look for Faviana #6501 which blends every color of the rainbow into a chiffon and tulle fiesta.
And last but not least, the color of the hour. If you can, find something that achieves all of the above, AND comes in this color. If you aren't able to check everything off your list, that's all right. With a sexy dress in this hue, you'll still be paying tribute to your favorite songstress.
Jasz Couture item #4206 is a blush-toned mini. It has very punk-looking gunmetal slashes across the front. And Precious Formals #P3603 is circus-y, frilly, and punked out with sequins. Another lustration is Sherri Hill design #3401. It's a successful combination of all of these tips.
Pink's fashion pizzazz will translate well for prom dresses. Bucks County, PA teenagers will surely be dancing to Pink's songs all night. And you'll stand out as the rising stars of the evening!

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